In store theft
Australian giant Culture Kings is a dedicated ‘streetwear’ niche market retailer selling sneakers, baseball caps, T-shirts and other streetwear which includes a number of high value items. With eight large, packed and busy merchandise stores across Australia, in November 2017, they decided to trial Concept Tags in their Russell Street Melbourne store in order to tackle a significant problem with thefts and tag removal.
The result
By March 2018, it was clear that the Concept Tag was achieving huge loss reductions (no removed tags in change rooms) and was the solution to their exponential growth in shop-lifting. As a result, Culture Kings made the decision to begin the implementation of a full rollout of Concept Tag into all stores and by July 2018 all the Culture Kings stores were fully installed with Concept Tag releasers and tags, making them the first privately-owned retail chain in Australia to undertake a 100% rollout of Concept Tag!
Ongoing success
To date, Culture Kings have purchased 287,000 Concept Tags (mix of 50mm and 45mm as well as lanyard tags) and 67 Concept Tag releasers and continue to order bulk for delivery to their Brisbane Head Office and Distribution Centre as buffer stocks for their stores to continue to draw upon.