Former Criminal Mastermind to Test “Concept Tag”

Technology promises to “regain ground” lost by retailers to criminals

tony-and-seanSwiss manufacturers Agon Systems have today announced a deal with Tony Sales, the man the British media famously dubbed “Britain’s Greatest Fraudster” to test their new Concept Tag “…beyond anything ever sanctioned by any tag manufacturer anywhere in the world.”

CEO of Agon, Sean Welch, continued “Conventional EAS tagging systems have become less and less effective. As criminals have found ways to defeat EAS, retailers have looked to the manufacturers for support. But unfortunately we have now got to a situation where tags will only really deter the opportunist thief. The professional criminals and organised gangs have been operating with impunity… that is until now.

I want retailers to know that when they buy the Concept Tag to use with their current detector systems they are buying real EAS protection, the way it was always meant to be; an asset protection system that protects effectively against the greatest threats to their businesses – organised crime.

In a statement Tony Sales commented, “I am very pleased to have been set this challenge by Agon and feel it shows real conviction on the part of that manufacturer in their product and a determination to deliver what they promise their retailer customers – an effective EAS system.

Many manufacturers offer retailers systems for the reduction or prevention of crime, but it is noticeable that they do not have sufficient confidence in those systems to have them pitted against a criminal mind; even though that is exactly what they are inviting their retail customers to invest significant sums of money in doing. But then more fool the retailers for not insisting that they do before buying!

I see millions invested in systems that are a complete waste of time – online and in-store. Hopefully other manufacturers will now take a leaf out of Agon’s book when developing and testing their products.

As I have said repeatedly, at conferences around the world, the trouble with loss prevention systems is that they are developed by honest, decent, hard working people. That’s the last thing you need! Only if you have seen the world through the eyes of a criminal can you possibly anticipate his next move.”

An ardent advocate of the new system is Tim Edwards, Director of Loss Protection at JD Sports & Fashion Group Plc.

Speaking at Retail Fraud – Dubai Tim Edwards said “We have collaborated with Agon over the last 18 months to help them develop the Concept Tag further. We have trialed the product in our Westfield shop in London, where we get something like 80,000 customers a day. Initial trials indicate that use of the Concept Tag has significantly displaced crime from our store. The ROI would seem to be very favourable and we hope to extend use of the Tag across our estates internationally.”

Sean Welch of Agon concluded “Our new Concept Tag is the product of seven years of R&D and is set to regain for retailers the advantage that EAS originally gave them. And that is why we have asked Tony Sales, a former mastermind of organised criminal gangs, to work with us. We want him to use all of his knowledge and expertise to try and “break” the Concept Tag; because if he can’t, then frankly nobody can.

And that challenge is not just about the security of the tag, but also the security of tag removal system, manufacture and supply. We don’t want our removal systems turning up on the dark web for sale for a few quid to anyone who wants one, like our competitors’.”

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Notes to editors

Agon Systems is a manufacturer of Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) equipment based near Biel, in Switzerland. Over the last 20 years Agon Systems has produced more than 200,000 high quality EAS antenna, which have been installed in some of the highest profile retail locations around the globe.

Once dubbed ‘Britain’s Greatest Fraudster’ by the UK media, Tony Sales is now a reformed character using insider knowledge to help UK retailers fight back against targeted retail fraud attacks. He is an acknowledged world expert on ID fraud, credit card fraud, bank fraud and internet fraud.

JD Sports & Fashion Plc employs 15,000 people across six European countries, with over 900 retail outlets and distribution functions.

Retail Fraud shows are the definitive event for all aspects of physical and technological fraud prevention within the retail and online environment.

For any further information or interview requests please contact Rachel Powell at Really Effective Marketing on 01603 858 458 or

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